The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) requires residential property owners to register their buildings every year by September 1. The registration requirement applies to the following property types:
Property owners or managers must also file a registration whenever ownership or other information changes, such as the managing agent or site management.
HPD should mail annual registration notices by the end of July. Building owners can also use HPD’s Property Registration Online System, which allows owners and managers to:
Even when completing the online form, owners or managers must still print a hard copy, to be signed and dated by the agent and property owner listed on the registration form. Completed forms should be mailed to:
Department of Housing Preservation and Development
Church Street Station
P.O. Box 3888
New York, NY 10008-3888
After receiving the form and payment, HPD will issue confirmation by mail or email. All notifications will be sent to the address of the managing agent identified on the registration form, or to the owner if the owner is the manager.
If a receipt or correction form is not received within two to four weeks of submission, owners and managers can check using HPD online or through their PROS account to verify registration.
Buildings without valid property registration are subject to civil penalties of $250 to $500. Building owners may also receive Orders, and they will be unable to do the following:
Owners that receive an Order to register must complete registration to remove the Order. Once the registration is valid, HPD will remove the violation without any further action by owners or managers.
If you have any questions or need assistance, contact Metropolis Group at 212.233.6344.