The Essence of Plato’s Crito: Summary, Themes and Famous Notions

Plato, one of the most influential philosophers in Western thought, has left an indelible mark on the realms of ethics, politics and philosophy as a whole. Within his vast corpus of philosophical dialogues, the Crito stands as a significant and thought-provoking work that delves into the complexities of morality, duty and the relationship between the individual and the state.

Written in the form of a dialogue between Socrates and his devoted friend Crito, this philosophical masterpiece explores the profound implications of Socrates’ imminent execution and his refusal to escape Athens, the city that condemned him to death.

The moral dilemma, “to accept an unjust sentence or disesteem the law”, expressed through Crito’s and Socrates’ conflicting viewpoints and elaborated in their ensuing arguments, encapsulates the central ethical conundrum presented in Plato’s Crito.

The dialogue raises critical questions about the nature of justice, the ethical choices individuals must confront in the face of injustice, as well as the obligations of the citizen to the state.

Table of Contents

Brief Synopsis of Plato’s Crito

The Crito captures the heart-wrenching conversation between the revered philosopher Socrates and his loyal friend Crito in the confines of an Athenian prison, prior to Socrates’ execution following his trial and conviction, as depicted in the Apology.

Set in the early hours of Socrates’ final day before his scheduled execution, Crito visits his incarcerated friend, expressing astonishment at Socrates’ peaceful demeanor despite his imminent demise. Crito discloses that the ship from the island of Delos, necessary for Socrates’ execution, is scheduled to arrive the next day, which prompts him to plead with Socrates to escape, proposing a plan that involves bribing the prison guards.

Crito’s motivations include preserving his cherished friendship, safeguarding Socrates’ sons’ futures and ensuring the privileges to which the sons of a philosopher are entitled, as well as defending his own reputation; for if it becomes known that he had the means to save his friend but did not act, he risks moral condemnation.

Socrates, while acknowledging Crito’s concerns, counters with a reasoned argument. Firstly, he asserts the importance of a good and just life over the preservation of one’s own existence, and establishes that popularity or fear of public opinion should not dictate one’s moral choices. He likens following the will of the majority to listening to the unqualified opinions of an athlete’s supporters rather than a knowledgeable physician.

Socrates contends that escaping would not only betray the principles he has upheld throughout his life but also undermine the laws of Athens, leading to anarchy. He personifies the Laws of Athens, arguing that respect for these laws is essential for the stability of the state. Disobeying them, even in the face of perceived injustice, would be a grave offense.

Socrates contends that the Laws of Athens, if it were a conscious entity and could speak for itself, would present a counter-argument to Crito’s proposed escape plan. The Laws would assert that they are the foundation of the state’s stability and order. Disobeying or disregarding them, even in cases where one perceives an individual injustice, undermines the very structure upon which society rests by setting a dangerous example and precedent, potentially leading to lawlessness and chaos within society. Socrates’ embodiment of the Laws concludes that the integrity of the legal system, and the preservation of social order, must take precedence over individual grievances, even in the face of injustice.

Socrates concludes that accepting his execution is the just course of action, as it avoids wronging the laws he has honored and safeguards the principles of justice. The dialogue concludes with Socrates invoking divine guidance as he prepares to face his fate.

Analysis: Main Themes

Plato’s Crito is a rich philosophical dialogue that explores several noteworthy themes. Collectively, they prompt contemplation of fundamental questions about ethics, justice and the role of the individual in society, contributing to its significance in human intellectual history.

These themes are deeply intertwined with Socratic philosophy and provide a window into his ethical framework. They underscore Socrates’ commitment to virtue and justice, emphasis on individual moral autonomy and the pursuit of higher ideals, making “Crito” a foundational text in the history of moral and political philosophy.

Nature of Justice

Socrates contends that justice is an absolute moral principle that should never be compromised, regardless of the situation, for responding to injustice with injustice only perpetuates a cycle of wrongdoing and moral degradation.

This perspective aligns with the broader Platonic view that justice is an objective, eternal truth that exists independently of human opinion or the laws of any particular society. In this view, justice is not subject to popular opinion or situational ethics; it is an uncompromising guide for virtuous conduct.

Socrates’ willingness to accept his unjust punishment rather than escape is a testament to his commitment to virtuous behavior, reinforcing the idea that justice is paramount.

Majority Opinion

Crito’s concern for the majority opinion is reflective of the social and political context of Athens, where public opinion and reputation held significant sway. However, Socrates challenges the notion that the majority’s opinion should dictate his actions.

He argues that the majority is often uninformed or misguided, and should not be the arbiter of moral truth, upholding instead the importance of the judgment of knowledgeable and virtuous individuals — in this case, those who possess a profound understanding of justice.

This perspective underscores a key Platonic theme: the judgment of the wise and therefore virtuous ought to take precedence over the opinions of the uninformed masses.

Obedience to the Law

Socrates’ willingness to obey the laws of the state, even when faced with an unjust sentence, stems from his fundamental belief in the rule of law as the cornerstone of a just society.

He argues that individuals who choose to live within a community like Athens, such as himself, benefiting from its legal framework and protections, have a moral obligation to respect and uphold the established laws.

In Socrates’ view, disobeying these laws, even in the face of perceived injustice, would have detrimental consequences. It would not only disrupt the social order but also erode the authority of the state, which he considers essential for maintaining stability and justice within the community. Additionally, disregarding the laws would represent a breach of trust with one’s fellow citizens, as it would undermine the shared commitment to the legal and moral fabric of the community.

This perspective aligns with Plato’s broader political philosophy, which underscores the importance of a just society guided by the wise and grounded in a collective dedication to the greater good.

Socrates’ decision to accept his death sentence can be interpreted as a demonstration of his faith in the importance of upholding the law for the sake of a just and harmonious society.

Limits of Civil Disobedience

Socrates’ willingness to challenge the judgment against him through philosophical dialogue, and his refusal to defy the sentence, raises important questions about the rule of law and the moral consequences of dissent within a structured society.

The decision not to escape despite disagreeing with his conviction demonstrates his respect for the rule of law, which aligns with the broader Greek societal value of nomos (law) as the foundation for a well-ordered community.

Socrates’ decision to submit himself to unjust execution, in what can be construed as a consequentialist moral argument, entails a consideration of the consequences of his actions, as he acknowledges that defying the law could lead to repercussions not only for himself but also for his friends and the state, weighing the perceived injustice of his sentence against the potential harm caused by civil disobedience.

The Crito thus offers a commentary on the boundaries of when and how individuals should engage in acts of civil disobedience in response to perceived injustice within the context of a structured society.

A Divine Order

The dialogue concludes with Socrates invoking divine guidance and trusting in the will of the gods as he prepares to face his fate. In so doing, he recognizes the existence of a higher moral order, or divine wisdom, that transcends human judgment and authority.

Socrates’ trust in divine guidance adds depth to his character and legacy, for it portrays him as a philosopher who places ultimate trust in the wisdom of the gods, even when confronted with the injustices of the human world.

This paradoxical aspect of Socrates’ otherwise rational philosophy has contributed to the enduring fascination with his persona,i ntellectual paradigm and worldview.

Significance: Famous Notions

Philosophy as a Way of Life

Socrates is often regarded as the archetype of the philosopher who sees philosophy as a way of life rather than just an intellectual pursuit. In the “Crito,” he exemplifies this by refusing to escape from prison and live as an outlaw, for that would hinder his intellectual and moral pursuits.

Socrates’ refusal to alter his lifestyle, even when faced with the prospect of death, illustrates the depth of his conviction that philosophy is not just a subject to study but a guiding principle for living a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Socrates contends that the most valuable and important thing in life is not wealth, power or material possessions but rather the development of moral and intellectual virtues. Virtues such as wisdom, courage, justice and self-control are viewed as the highest goods because they lead to a well-lived and fulfilling life.

A virtuous person, according to Platonic philosophy, possesses a well-ordered soul. This means that one’s desires and reason are in harmony, and the rational part of the soul governs the irrational part. Virtue allows individuals to control their desires and make morally sound decisions, leading to a sense of inner peace and contentment.

Socrates famously claimed that “virtue is knowledge”, in the belief that people do wrong or act immorally primarily out of ignorance. Therefore, the key to living a virtuous life is to gain knowledge and understanding of what is truly good and just. Once individuals possess this knowledge, they will naturally act in accordance with virtue. Acting wisely and virtuously, in turn, contributes to the well-being of society as a whole. When individuals are virtuous, they uphold the principles of fairness and justice and act in ways that benefit the community, thus creating a well-ordered and harmonious society.

Socrates’ willingness to accept his fate and uphold the rule of law, therefore, exemplifies and illustrates his epistemological, ethical and political philosophy, which are inextricably intertwined.

The Social Contract

Plato’s Crito offers a foundational perspective on the relationship between individuals and the state. It introduces the idea that individuals, by residing within a society and benefiting from its protections and advantages, enter into an implicit social contract with the state. This contract implies an obligation to obey the laws and, if necessary, engage in civil disobedience as a means to challenge and change unjust laws while preserving the integrity of the social order.

It should be noted that Plato’s exploration of the social contract in Crito is not explicit nor as detailed as the later developments of this concept by philosophers like Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who offer a comprehensive and systematic treatments of the social contract theory, contributing significantly to political philosophy and discussions of individual rights and the legitimacy of government.

Nonetheless, during Socrates’ conversation with his friend Crito several elements of the social contract theory can be discerned:

Plato’s Crito, in this manner, laid the groundwork for later, more developed discussions of the social contract theory in political philosophy.

Final Thoughts

Plato’s Crito explores the moral quandary Socrates’ execution presents, by means of a dilemma that presents two contrasting perspectives: one, proposed Crito, suggests escaping from prison to avoid an unjust sentence, while the other, advocated by Socrates, entails adhering to the law and accepting the sentence, even in the face of perceived injustice.

The Crito thus represents a clash of values and philosophies that encapsulates the enduring tension between individual autonomy and societal obligation.

On one side of this moral dilemma, Crito argues for Socrates’ escape, contending that it is both morally justifiable and ethically imperative to flee an unjust fate. Crito’s perspective is grounded in a sense of loyalty and friendship; he is willing to do whatever it takes to save his dear friend’s life, even if it means subverting the authority of the state. For Crito, the right course of action is clear: escape and evade the impending injustice.

Conversely, Socrates, as portrayed by Plato, embodies a steadfast commitment to the principles of law and order. He asserts that evading the state’s decision would undermine the authority of the Athenian legal system and threaten the stability and cohesion of the state. Socrates argues that Athens has nurtured and protected him throughout his life, providing him with the benefits of citizenship and the opportunities for philosophical inquiry. Thus, he contends that obeying the law, even when it may seem unjust, is an essential moral duty.

Socrates’ perspective is rooted in a broader intellectual framework that asserts the inteconnectedness and unassailability of wisdom, virtue and ethical behavior.

Plato’s Crito not only exemplifies Socrates’ embodiment of his epistemological and ethical philosophy but also represents one of the earliest advocacies for the social contract theory in recorded history: an exploration of virtue and justice, and virtue in the face of injustice, as well as the ethical obligations of citizens to one another and the state itself.